Uomo di notevole spessore politico e culturale, per me un maestro di vita e politica

Uomo di notevole spessore politico e culturale, per me un maestro di vita e politica

Mag 9, 2023

di Edmondo Moscatelli Pancrazio lo conoscevo di vista quando tornando in sede dai miei studi universitari, ebbi l’occasione di conoscerlo, presentati da un amico in comune, in un bar al centro del nostro piccolo paese, era il luglio del 1986. Da allora l’ho

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Limpidi valori e buon esempio: il miglior patrimonio per i giovani

Limpidi valori e buon esempio: il miglior patrimonio per i giovani

Mag 9, 2023

di Francesco Maria Gennaro I limpidi valori e il buon esempio: il miglior patrimonio per i giovani Viviamo un tempo di regressione sociale, nell’ascolto e nel confronto, nei punti fermi e nelle connessioni. Si è certamente più soli di ieri. E’ il tempo

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Un Uomo, un socialista ed un illuminista per la crescita delle comunità

Un Uomo, un socialista ed un illuminista per la crescita delle comunità

Mag 9, 2023

di Giuseppe Diego Vernaleone Un Amico ed un vero Compagno. Conosciuto dopo un anno dal mio ingresso nel Movimento Giovanile Socialista e subito creatosi un rapporto sincero e di vera condivisione politico/personale. Pensare che il Salento, e la Puglia, da vent’anni non godano

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Il tuo ricordo

Apr 27, 2023

Scrivi qui il tuo ricordo

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Ciao mondo!

Apr 26, 2023

Ti diamo il benvenuto in WordPress. Questo è il tuo primo articolo. Modificalo o eliminalo e quindi inizia a scrivere!

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Here are Ten Healthy Food Tips That You Follow Every Day

Here are Ten Healthy Food Tips That You Follow Every Day

Set 25, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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Good Design Can a Beautiful Raw Interface For Everyone

Good Design Can a Beautiful Raw Interface For Everyone

Set 25, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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Lifestyle Carries a Carry in People’s Life. Can You Ready?

Lifestyle Carries a Carry in People’s Life. Can You Ready?

Set 25, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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Everyone has the right to be happy. Keep the smile always

Everyone has the right to be happy. Keep the smile always

Set 25, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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Intel’s horseshoe bend concept is a look at the future of foldable.

Intel’s horseshoe bend concept is a look at the future of foldable.

Mar 16, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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